How to do Anulom Vilom Pranayama? | Alternate Nostril Breathing Techniques Video by Varsha Anthony, Yoga Siromani from The International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Netala, Himalayas
Anulom Vilom or Alternate Nostril Breathing, is one of the main forms of pranayama, or breath control. Literally meaning “control of prana”, pranayama consists in specific breathing techniques that encourage the absorption of prana into the body’s subtle energy channel (nadis) and energy centers (cakra), enhancing overall vitality and well-being.
Alternate Nostril Breathing corrects many negative breathing habits, as well as helping you to balance how you use the two side of your brain – the logical left side and the creative right side. Research has shown that there is a connection between this and the airflow in our nostril: when the right nostril is more open, the left brain hemisphere is more active, and vice versa.
According to Yoga the breath in the right nostril is said to be hot. While the flow from the left is cool. Therefore symbolically they named the right nadi as sun breath and the left nadi as moon breath. This Anulom Vilom means alternate nostril breathing exercise is mainly for the purpose of maintaining an equilibrium in the catabolic (sun energy- right nostril) and anabolic processes (moon energy-left nostril) in the body.
Preparing for Anulom Vilom
- Raise the right hand. Make the Vishnu Mudra by folding down the index and middle fingers.
- Exhale through both nostrils.
- Close the right nostril with the right thumb.
How to do Anulom Vilom Pranayama? | Anulom Vilom Pranayama Techniques
- Inhale completely through the left nostril, keeping the right nostril closed. This should be done to a count of “3”.
- Close the left nostril with the two end fingers so that both nostrils are closed. Retain the breath to a count of “12”.
- Release the right nostril and exhale completely to a count of “6”.
- Inhale fully through the right nostril to a count of “3”.
- Pinch nostrils closed and retain the breath to a count of “12”.
- Release the left nostril and exhale completely to a count of “6”.
This is one round. At least 10 rounds should be practiced daily. As you become more advance, the “count” of the exercise may be increased, but always in a ratio of 1:4:2. This means that for every second that you inhale, you retain the breath 3 times as long, and exhale for twice as long. Never change this ratio. You may also increase the number of rounds of Anulom Vilom which is practiced.
Benefits of Anulom Vilom
Physical benefits:
- Anulom Vilom cleanses and strengthens the lungs and entire respiratory system.
- It harmonizes the entire system.
- During retention, there is the highest rate of gaseous exchange in the lungs. Because of the increase in the pressure, more oxygen goes from the lungs into the blood and more CO2 (and other waste products) pass from the blood into the lungs for elimination during exhalation.
- As exhalation is twice the time of inhalation, state air and waste products are drained from the lungs.
- The anabolic and catabolic processes of the body are brought into equilibrium.
Mental Benefits:
- Anulom Vilom helps calm the mind, making it lucid and steady.
- Practice of Anulom Vilom purifies the Nadis. It should be mastered and practiced on a regular basis before going on to more advanced Pranayamas.
- Prana, the vital energy, is stored and controlled.
- The Nadis are purified.
- It makes the body light and the eyes shiny.
- The psychic system is balanced.
Common Mistakes
- The wrong fingers are used.
- Back is not straight, head droops
- The chest is dropped with exhalation
- The breath is not smooth.
- Do Anulom Vilom pranayama empty stomach or post lunch after a gap of 3-4 hrs.
- People having Heart diseases, or have done any surgery recently then please onsult your doctor before practicing.
- Do advance Anulom Vilom Pranayam under the guidance of Yoga Teacher/Guru.
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